PancakeSwap is a leading decentralized crypto exchange that runs on the BNB Chain
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PancakeSwap is a leading decentralized crypto exchange that runs on the BNB Chain
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NRG can be traded on Pancakeswap without needing to create an account as you would have on an exchange.
To trade on Pancakeswap, you will need a wallet on the BSC Network. There are many popular wallets out there, some of the most popular being “TrustWallet” or “Metamask”.
Creating a wallet is very simple, for this example, we are going to use Metamask & Trust Wallet, Metamask is a browser extension that can be added to multiple different browsers, the most popular being Google Chrome, whilst Trust Wallet works flawlessly on mobile and makes it super easy to BSC users to add funds to their account.
To add Metamask as a Google Chrome extension, click here to visit the official Chrome store link. It is also available in other browsers like Firefox. You can download Trust Wallet from your phone’s app store by just searching “Trust Wallet” in the search filters or by visiting here.
Once you have added the wallet to your browser or downloaded it on your phone, simply create your account. Bear in mind you will be given an account seed phrase. Do NOT share this phrase with anyone or it will give them access to your account.
The first way you can add funds to your Metamask is by withdrawing it from an exchange. Simply go to the withdrawal page of your exchange and choose which token you want to withdraw.
Don’t forget that you will also need to withdraw BNB to pay for the network’s gas fees.
While buying NRG on PancakeSwap, we recommend withdrawing BUSD as this is NRG's pairing. You can also use BNB if you want to do everything on a single transaction. You can use this pre-loaded link for simplicity.
Please be careful when withdrawing funds that you select the right network. If you choose the wrong network you risk losing assets.
Adding funds to Trustwallet from your mobile device is quite easy to do. Firstly, go to the “Buy” page which is also circled above. You will then be asked to select a coin to buy.
In this case, we recommend buying BNB as it will pay for the gas fees on PancakeSwap and used to purchase NRG tokens. Insert the amount you want to purchase and your card information to complete the transaction.
Firstly go to Pancake Swap and input the trading pair of NRG & BUSD into the correct boxes, or use the coin/token that matches what you have bought in the previous step.
Connecting your wallet to pancake swap is quite simple. If you are using Metamask on your browser, just hit the “Connect Wallet” button in the top right corner and approve the connection via the wallet's pop-up.
Connecting via TrustWallet can be a bit more tricky, but is still quite simple. Once you visit Pancake Swap on your mobile browser, click the “connect wallet” button, but this time choose the Trust Wallet option.
On the right-hand side, input the number of coins/tokens you want to spend on NRG. After you are happy with the amount, you will be asked to swap the tokens. This will then bring up a confirmation screen, confirm this screen and then pay the gas fees in your wallet.
Once you confirm the transaction and pay the gas fee, your transaction will go through and you will have your NRG!